Teenage Dads - Majorfomo Tour
Teenage Dads - Majorfomo Tour
Chugg Music and Select Music Presents...

Teenage Dads - Majorfomo Tour

with Special Guests
Settlers Tavern, Margaret River (Margaret River, WA)
Saturday, 22 February 2025 9:00 pm
65 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission 18+
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VIP - General Admission 18+
VIP OFFER:  Your Teeanage Dads VIP Experience commences begins One Hour before doors open to general ticket holders.  Each VIP ticket holder will be greeted by Teenage Dads who will have a signed tour poster and a small tour exclusive gift for you.  In addition there will be time to get a photo, have a chat and you’ll be set to get first entry into the venue when it opens.  The one hour VIP experience is also a great opportunity to be first to access merch sales, make new friends and feel that you are really part of the Teenage Dads community.
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Teenage Dads are coming in hot from international touring to relive the epic adventure of their 2024 album tour Majodomo. For those who missed out, and those that want to come again, Jordy, Angus, Vinnie, and Connor will be smashing out the hits from their most recent album plus all the hits you know and love. Pirate outfits are optional but don’t miss out on the most fun you can have.