Sunsick 'In This Light' Single Launch
Sunsick 'In This Light' Single Launch
Indian Ocean Hotel presents

Sunsick 'In This Light' Single Launch

with Daisy Park, Blush & Trent Knight
Indian Ocean Hotel (Scarborough, WA)
Friday, 28 March 2025 8:00 pm
16 days away
18 Plus

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Sunsick are so very excited to announce "In This Light" single launch is happening on March 28th at the Indian Ocean Hotel. 
It is their first headline of the year & first headline as a three piece and wow it couldn't look any better. With support from Daisy Park, Blush & Trent Knight to help make it extra lovely. 
Come celebrate & get amongst some local music. 
Pre- sale tickets are cheap as! See you there.