Honey Revenge Australian Headliner
Honey Revenge Australian Headliner
Presented by Destroy All Lines

Honey Revenge Australian Headliner

with Special Guests
Amplifier Bar (Perth, WA)
Tuesday, 15 April 2025 7:00 pm
40 days away
18 Plus

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American pop punk duo HONEY REVENGE exploded onto the scene in 2021, with their buzzy debut single Miss Me bursting with colourful hooks only surpassed by the band's own aesthetic. Inspired by You Me At Six, Demi Lovato, the edgier moments of Katy Perry, and Paramore, HONEY REVENGE released their debut album Retrovision in 2023, with an extended version releasing earlier this year including new and re-imagined tracks. In a short space of time. Don't miss your chance to see the band perform in Australia for the first time this April