UFC 314 - VIP Table
UFC 314 - VIP Table

UFC 314 - VIP Table

Greenwood Hotel (Greenwood, WA)
Sunday, 13 April 2025 9:00 am
13 days away
18 Plus

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UFC 314 - VIP Table
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Want the best spot in the house? Reserve one of our limited VIP tables for the ultimate UFC 314 viewing experience ~ no need to rock up early! 

📣 LIVE & LOUD on the big screen! 
💥 Prime seating ~ don’t miss a single punch. 
👑 Pick the Fighter ~ chance to WIN a VIP package for the next UFC.
🎟️ $200 deposit secures the table ~ gets you a $200 bar tab for food & drinks! 
*Maximum of 6 people per table, minimum 2. Must show by 12pm. 
*Limited tables available.