Whisper Of The Heart (PG) (2024 STUDIO GHIBLI 35mm FILM FESTIVAL)
“Whisper of the Heart” is a 1995 Japanese animated film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Yoshifumi Kondō, with a screenplay by Hayao Miyazaki based on the novel by Aoi Hiragi. The story follows a young girl named Shizuku Tsukishima, an aspiring writer and a bookworm living in Tokyo. As she navigates the challenges of adolescence and grapples with her ambitions, Shizuku discovers a mysterious cat, transforming her ordinary summer into an extraordinary journey of self-discovery. The cat leads her to a charming antique shop owned by an enigmatic young man named Seiji, who harbors dreams of becoming a skilled violin maker.
The film beautifully captures the essence of youthful aspiration and the trials of growing up, highlighting the importance of following one’s dreams, even in the face of uncertainty.
Presented in Japanese with English Subtitles
Director: Yoshifumi Kondô
Genre: Family / Romance
Year: 1995
Run Time: 111 mins
Classification: G
Format: 35mm Film
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1