PORTAL - Wild Marmalade | Paul A. George | Si Mullumby | Sobhan | Fourth State Turiya
PORTAL - Wild Marmalade | Paul A. George | Si Mullumby | Sobhan | Fourth State Turiya
Si Mullumby

PORTAL - Wild Marmalade | Paul A. George | Si Mullumby | Sobhan | Fourth State Turiya

Port Beach Brewery (North Fremantle, WA)
Sunday, 29 September 2024 3:00 pm
12 days away
18 Plus

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PORTAL - First Release
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PORTAL is about utilising dance, the spirit of celebration and the wild energy of the cosmos to initiate a process of transformation. This gathering is about the evolution of consciousness and the uplifting of the human spirit.

PORTAL is a six-hour non-stop dance journey where DJs weave with world class musicians from all around Australia to create a seamless & joyful passage through this Sunday afternoon and into the night.

Portal is a one-off special event.

Australia’s international touring act W I L D M A R M A L A D E headline this first edition of PORTAL.

Body shaking didgeridoo, ballistic drumming & searing Spanish guitar.

Wild Marmalade shows are the wildest of all gigs. People lose it, yet find it at the same time. It’s a sea of smiles and uncontrollable dance vibes. It’s a raw primal energy and contact with some kind of transcendent force. It’s up, down and all around. Outside in and inside out. 

Then, hailing from the rain forests of Northern New South Wales, comes Paul A. George, front man and guitarist of Tijuana Cartel. Paul brings his solo show for the first time to Western Australia. Expect organic house & down-tempo beats, desert sounds & firey Flamenco guitar.

The divine voice of Leah Michelle opens the afternoon in a solo configuration of Fourth State Turiya. Uplifting vocals and poignant beats. Dynamic lyrics and powerful earthy, yet transcendent vibes.

Closing the evening will be a feel-good set with SOBHAN. Carrying the Solouk spirit of celebration, Sobhan’s organic house & downtempo electronica will surely warm hearts and inspire minds. Sobhan's music opens the portal to the Mystical realms.

S c h e d u l e
3.00pm Doors Open
3.30pm Forth State Turiya 
4.30pm Si Mullumby
5.45pm Paul A. George 
8.00pm Sobhan
9.00pm C L O S E 


“Like molten lava in your veins”

After more than two decades touring the world Wild Marmalade come to the West Coast for the first time in ages! Didgeridoo, Drums and Spanish Guitar. Improvised high energy dance music.

Wild Marmalade have commanded some of the biggest dance floors of the world. From mainstage BOOM Festival to the Amphitheatre of Woodford Folk Festival, from the streets of the world to Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas, Wild Marmalade have traversed many realms.

Paul A George

For the first time on the west coast PORTAL welcomes co-founder and front man of well-known Australian band Tijuana Cartel, Paul A George. Paul is a musical force to be reckoned with. His talent as a Spanish/Mexican style guitarist is undeniable, his speed and virtuosity are world class.

Paul’s solo show is the meeting place between his musicianship and the beats and basslines he has crafted inspired by the jungle and rainforests of his home on the East Coast.

'If Sunday afternoon had an ultimate soundtrack, it would be Tijuana Cartel’s Paul A George and his spellbinding acoustic guitar, taking our final day in paradise to new frontiers, wrapped in an emotional, star-studded blanket of wild west meets deep house.'     Melbourne Royalty

Si Mullumby

Well known Fremantle local Si Mullumby is the Founder and Host of Portal.

Inspired from a life on the road and improvised from beginning to end, Si melds didgeridoo, flamenco guitar, drum kit, percussion, harmonic flute and naked voice into a singular non-stop wave of unstoppable dance floor vibeZ.

One of the most respected didgeridoo players in the world, this humble troubadour of the sonic realms definitely knows how to electrify the human spirit.

Si has performed several sold out recitals at the Sydney Opera House, featured on a Discovery channel documentary called Yidaki about the didgeridioo and Yolngu culture, played on numerous Desert Dweller tracks and recently he guested with Ludovico Einaudi at the Perth Concert Hall. (Where he received a standing ovation!!!!)

“A master of this beautiful instrument!”   Ludovico Einaudi

“An astonishing solo player.” Cirque du Soleil.


Sobhan is an organic house/downtempo electronica DJ & composer who is highly influenced by his musical roots and upbringing in Iran. His music embraces nomadic sounds from all around the world and expresses them within a modern context. These mystical fusions transcend time and place.

Sobhan’s musical passion has led him to kickstart the group SOLOUK, which is a Farsi word that translates as “The Journey of the Mystic”. Solouk events have so far attracted much attention and support through the music loving community here on the west side!

Through his work, he creates musical journeys that connect the listener to sounds that tell a story; stories of our shared human experiences through chants, songs and sounds that are new and yet familiar too. Sounds that trigger raw emotions, of longing and of homecoming, connecting us to the core of being.


Fourth State Turiya are a Perth electronic act known for their dreamy yet upbeat conscious electronica. Leah's divinely inspired vocals weave effortlessly throughout the set to invoke deep reflection of our shared Spirit while Ed's masterful beats create energy to move wildly and freely throughout the dance.

Leah will be representing the duo as a solo artist, bringing to the forefront some original pieces and building the foundations of what will be a powerful journey through the afternoon.

Forming in 2018 after a chance meeting from different worlds and deciding to join creative forces, local roots singer/songwriter Leah Michelle and Italian born Producer Edoardo Moriconi have developed their sound over the past 5 years from trip hop inspired, downtempo releases to vibrant dance tracks which have led to curating live ecstatic dance events throughout Perth.

Holding timelessness in our hands, together we go through the PORTAL into a dynamic collective experience of unity.

When we change ourselves, we change the world.

Evolution is a certainty.

This is PORTAL

Respect to Noongar Boodja.

Powerful Land, Powerful times.