Wanneroo Social High Tea
Wanneroo Social High Tea

Wanneroo Social High Tea

Wanneroo Villa Tavern (Wanneroo, WA)
Saturday, 10 May 2025 2:00 pm
65 days away
18 Plus
Food and Wine

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High Tea
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High Tea + Bottomless Prosecco
{{ requestedInventory['d58c6620-85e6-4275-850e-18a99f40ec0e'] }}
Join us for a good old fashioned High Tea at The Wanneroo!

Enjoy a cuppa and a catch up and we’ll make the rest easy ~ Featuring a selection of tea, coffee, cakes, scones, and light nibbles ☕🍰🥂
📅 Saturday 10th May 2pm-4pm
🎟 Tickets are $29pp or $49pp with bottomless prosecco

Please be aware, bookings of less than 8 people will likely be seated with other groups.