Grace Barbé Afro-Kreol, Creole Allstars & Tchéga
Grace Barbé Afro-Kreol, Creole Allstars & Tchéga
Afro Tropic Records

Grace Barbé Afro-Kreol, Creole Allstars & Tchéga

Clancy's Fish Pub | Fremantle (Fremantle, WA)
Friday, 11 April 2025 8:00 pm
27 days away
18+ (unless accompanied by Guardian)

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Are you ready for a trip to the Creole islands with some serious coconut shaking?
Multi award-winning Creole queen Grace Barbé and her band are back for one show on home turf, with some special friends at Clancy's Fremantle Friday, April 11. Between bass duties with The Cat Empire, Grace and the Afro-Kreol posse are ready to conjure their big sound, complex polyrhythmic grooves, and dense layer of Afro – guitar sorcery. The band will re-visit some old favourites, as well as new materials! 

Creole Allstars are a supergroup of musicians from the Indian Ocean island region based in Perth. A celebration of traditional Creole folk music, featuring the popular sega and moutya rhythms, as well as the European influences of the polka, kamtole, contre-danse, kotis, and mazok. Expect to hear the triangle and violin!

Tchéga plays sunny Creole folk music, drawing inspiration from Indian Ocean islands rhythms. Tchéga will take you on a musical voyage with their stories, catchy beats and melodies. Lead singer-songwriter Carole Katz (Réunion Island/Madagascar), crafts songs that call upon the island wisdom and sounds she grew up with, including the rhythmic and charming sega. Sit back and soak up the island sun….. Creole music for your soul. Dancing guaranteed!