Free Aviary 'Caveat' Single Launch
Free Aviary 'Caveat' Single Launch
Indian Ocean Hotel presents..

Free Aviary 'Caveat' Single Launch

with Devon Street, Teenage Vertigo & Sun After Dusk
Indian Ocean Hotel (Scarborough, WA)
Friday, 4 April 2025 8:00 pm
4 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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Caveat” is Free Aviary’s first debut single!! With a warm, dancy, indie pop sound - Free Aviary are taking off onto the scene. 
“Caveat’ is a song filled with melodic chords, groovy guitar riffs, powerful drums, beat-driven bass, and vocal melodies that will stick in your head forever!

Free Aviary will be joined by local bands, Devon Street, Teenage Vertigo, and Sun After Dusk, who are all killing it in the Australian scene right now!
Come celebrate the launch of ‘Caveat”, with Free Aviary, at the Indian Ocean Hotel (April 4th), and have an endless night of euphoria!!