Gianni Capri “Unpredictable” Single Launch - ALL AGES
Gianni Capri “Unpredictable” Single Launch - ALL AGES

Gianni Capri “Unpredictable” Single Launch - ALL AGES

with Sofia Gale, Figgy Tuna & DJ Gorgz
Rosemount Hotel (North Perth, WA)
Thursday, 22 May 2025 7:00 pm
52 days away
18+ (unless accompanied by Guardian)
Australian Artists

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General Admission 18+
This event is 18+ unless accompanied by a legal guardian or parent at all times while within the venue.
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Gianni Capri loves to make music. From producing to recording to performing, he is passionate about creating catchy and easy-listening pop music. Though he started as a local act, his music has resonated far beyond Perth, reaching listeners in over 100 countries.

So come down and celebrate the launch of his new single AND music video for “Unpredictable”!