“Pom Poko” is a captivating 1994 animated film directed by Isao Takahata and produced by Studio Ghibli. Set in the suburban landscapes of 1960s Japan, the film explores the struggle of a group of magical tanukis, or Japanese raccoon dogs, who face the encroachment of urban development on their forest home. The story follows a vibrant cast of tanuki characters who possess the ability to transform into various objects and beings. As developers begin to demolish their habitat for housing and industry, the tanukis band together to use their shapeshifting skills in an attempt to protect their land and way of life. Infused with humor, poignant themes, and social commentary,“Pom Poko” addresses the conflict between nature and modernity, highlighting the ecological reality of urbanisation while also showcasing the rich cultural folklore surrounding tanuki.
Presented in Japanese with English SubtitlesDirector: Isao Takahata
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Year: 1994
Run Time: 119 mins
Classification: PG
Format: 35mm Film
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1