Princess Mononoke (M) (2024 STUDIO GHIBLI 35mm FILM FESTIVAL) Click for Additional Sessions
“Princess Mononoke,” directed by Hayao Miyazaki, is a captivating animated film set in Japan during the late Muromachi period, a time marked by significant conflict between humans and nature. The story follows Ashitaka, a young prince who becomes cursed after battling a boar demon infected with anger and disease. In his quest to lift the curse and restore balance, he embarks on a journey to the forest where he encounters San, a fierce young woman raised by wolves, who fights to protect the spirits of the forest, particularly the Great Forest Spirit. The film’s rich animation, coupled with a hauntingly beautiful score by Joe Hisaishi, creates an immersive experience that captures the raw beauty of nature and the tragic consequences of human actions.
Presented in Japanese with English Subtitles
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Genre: Fantasy / Adventure
Year: 1997
Run Time: 1h 25m
Classification: M
Format: 35mm Film
Aspect Ratio 1.85:1